Monday, 13 June 2016


It is said that during the enactment of the food shortage among the Israelites, then lalulah a devotee approached the home of a wealthy, saying, "Your Sedekahlah me with a piece of bread with the sincere because Allah S.W.T."

Having said so poor that the girl came out of the rich, and give him the bread is still hot. Sake only as good as the girl gives the bread will emerge curmudgeonly father of the girl who was kept cutting off his right hand cut off his daughter. Since of events that then Ak S.W.T changed the lives of the rich was to pull back his wealth so that he became a poor and eventually she died in the most abject.
The girl was begging and begging from house to house. So one day the girl went to the home of a wealthy while asking for alms, then out of a mother from the house. The mother was amazed by the beauty and mempelawa the girl into his house. Mother was very interested in the girl and her hunger for mengahwinkan child with the girl. Then after the marriage was complete, then the mother was also given clothes and jewelry to replace clothes.

On a night when it dihidang evening meal, then going to eat with her husband. Due to limited crippled the girl's hands and her husband also did not know that he was crippled, when his mother also had merahsiakan about the girl's hand. So when her husband told her to eat, and he eats with his left hand. Apabial her husband's state of his wife he said, "I got to know that people do not know the ordinance indigent daily, by, eat with the right hand and not the left hand."

After the husband said so, then his wife was still eating with his left hand, while her husband repeatedly told her. With the sudden sound from next door, "Take out your right hand, O servant of Allah, ye have donated a piece of bread because my sincerity, then there is no obstacle for me to give back it will be your right hand."

After she heard the voice, then he took out his right hand, and he found his right hand was in a state of origin, and he was eating with her husband to use his right hand. Let us sentiasa respect our guests, even though he was poor, when he came to our house so that he is our guest. Rasulullah SAW has said that intends, "Those honoring guests, then indeed he has been honored, and those who respect me, then indeed he has glorified Allah and whoever has become a rage guests, she has become a rage. And the one who makes my anger, and indeed he has made wrath of Allah "

S.A.W intentioned words of the Prophet, "Behold, the guest house when he came to the believer is a person, then he came along with a thousand thousand blessings and mercy."

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